1·An even larger share backed a 5 per cent tax surcharge on millionaires - something proposed by Mr Obama.
2·In other words, the Obama plan is much the same as imposing a health insurance mandate, backed up by the penalty of a tax surcharge on your earnings if you fail to have coverage.
3·Exclude airport tax, fuel surcharge, security charge, Cart fee, All transfer fee.
4·Taxpayer: Well, according what you said, we have to pay the tax and surcharge while preparing for the justice procedures.
5·Exclude airport tax, fuel surcharge, security charge, single room surcharge, Cart fee, All transfer fee.
6·The tax authority noticed me that they would impose penalty and surcharge on my company, plus the payment of the tax overdue.
7·That is, withholding agencies provided in regulations on business tax shall withhold the city maintenance and construction tax and educational surcharge concurrently with business tax.
8·The dry cleaning environmental surcharge is in addition to the state and local retailers' sales tax.
9·Taxpayer: Good morning, Mr. Li. The tax authority inspected my company yesterday. They noticed me that they would impose penalty and surcharge on my company, plus the payment of the tax overdue.
纳税人:律师, 税务局在检查中提出要我们补缴未扣的税款并加滞纳金和罚款。
10·The above tour fares are based on US Dollar; "Tax and Fuel Surcharge" is only an estimate and will confirm upon ticket issuance.